It seems the tooth fairy has officially camped out at our house the past week! Alera has finally lost that stubborn tooth that she hit when she was 18 months old. It was barely loose and she begged another Kindergarten teacher to pull it so she did! Saved me $121 dollars b/c we were due to have it pulled the next day. Then on Monday she lost the one next to it. A total of 5 teeth pulled and 3 more are loose. Wow is the only word I can think of right now.
On another note, Alera is doing better in gymnastics. She officially can do a back hand spring on the trampoline!!!! I had no idea she even knew what a back hand spring was. I guess she showed me. She is doing so much better in her gymnastics meet as well. Here are some pics from the meet in January. We have another one this weekend.